Studia Rhetorica Biblica et Semitica

Studia Rhetorica Biblica et Semitica (StRBS) offers scholars the opportunity of publishing textual studies conducted according to the procedures of Biblical and Semitic rhetorical analysis, as well as research on the rules of this specific rhetoric.

The texts to be studied are above all biblical ones, both those of the Hebrew Bible written in semitic languages, Hebrew but also Aramaic, and the books of the New Testament redacted in Greek, but by authors who were so immersed in the Scripture of Israel, that they composed their texts in the manner of the authors of the First Testament.

Other texts written in semitic languages may be studied in the same way, in particular that of the Qur’an.

Moreover, texts written in non-Semitic languages, which may be seen to have been composed according to the rules of Biblical Rhetoric, e.g. the Rule of St. Benedict in Latin or the Pensées of Pascal in French, may be considered to resemble in some way the texts of the New Testament authors.

For the authors, the advantage of this type of publication is that their studies can be up-dated at any time.

For the reader, the advantage is that the documents may be saved on disk.

In the case of studies already printed, the Copyright obviously belongs to the publisher; in other cases, it belongs to Studia Rhetorica Biblica et Semitica.

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39. Articoli

38. XX° Congress of the ISHR (Tübingen, July 28-31, 2015):

37. Michel Cuypers – Inès Jedidi – Sami Larbes – Yaniss Warrach, « Analyse rhétorique de la sourate 74, al-Muddaththir »

36. Roland Meynet, « Exégèse scientifique, exégèse symbolique »

35. Roberto Di Paolo, «”Alzati e cammina!”. Analisi retorica biblica di Mt 8,18-9,17»

34. Roland Meynet, «Phénomènes de clôture dans les textes bibliques»

33. Roland Meynet, «La composizione della lettera ai Galati»

32. Roland Meynet, «L’analyse rhétorique du Bouclier d’Achille revisitée»

31. Roland Meynet, «L’analyse rhétorique du Prologue de Jean revisitée»

30. Roland Meynet, «Chiamati a fare ciò che fa Gesù. Lettura della sequenza di Lc 9,1-50»

29. XVII° Congress of the ISHR (Montreal, July 22-26, 2009):

28. Roland Meynet, «Le quatrième chant du Serviteur», traduction coréenne

27. XVI° Congress of the ISHR (Strasburg, July 2007):

26. Table ronde du 10 mai 2007 (Rome):

25. Table ronde de 23 mars 2007 (Paris):

24. Michel Cuypers, «Interview sur son livre : Le Festin. Une lecture de la sourate al-Mâ’ida»

23. Roland Meynet, «La composición del Padre Nuestro» (aggiornato 7-03-2015)

22. Roland Meynet, «La binarité, caractéristique essentielle du langage biblique»

21. Roland Meynet, «Es 25,10-40. A proposito del libro di Giorgio Paximadi: E io dimorerò in mezzo a loro»

20. Michel Cuypers, «La rhétorique sémitique dans le Coran. La sourate 1, al-Fatiha, et la sourate 96, al-‘Alaq»

19. Roland Meynet, «La composizione del Padre Nostro» (aggiornato 7-03-2015)

18. Roland Meynet, «La composition du Notre Père» (aggiornato 16-12-2014)

17. Bernard Witek, «Joy and Sadness of Heart (Prov 15,13-17)»

16. Roland Meynet, «Two Decalogues, Law of Freedom (Ex 20 :2-17 & Dt 5 :6-21)»

15. Claude Lichtert, «La prière de Jonas (Jon 2)»

14. Roland Meynet, «Les fruits de l’analyse rhétorique»

13. Roland Meynet, «A vino nuovo, otri nuovi! (Lc 5,17 – 6,11)»

12. Giorgio Paximadi, «Strutture retoriche in tre salmi (Sal 24; 3; 122) e punti di partenza per un cammino interpretativo»

11. Roland Meynet, «Composizione dell’inno ai Colossesi ( Col 1,15-20)»

10. Roland Meynet, «La Natività di Gesù, una storia di pastori. O l’enigma della mangiatoia (Lc 2,1-20)» (aggiornato 28-12-2022)

09. Roland Meynet, «La Nativité de Jésus, une histoire de bergers. Ou l’énigme de la mangeoire (Lc 2,1-20)»

08. Roland Meynet, «Les deux décalogues, loi de liberté (Ex 20,2-17 et Dt 5,6-21)»

07. Tomasz Kot, «Accomplir la justice de Dieu (Mt 5,17-48). Analyse rhétorique»

06. Roland Meynet, «El cuarto canto del Siervo (Is 52,13-53,12)»

05. Roland Meynet, «La salvezza per mezzo della conoscenza. Il quarto canto del Servo (Is 52,13-53,12)»

04. Roland Meynet, «Composition et genre littéraire de la première section de l’Épître aux Galates»

03. André Wénin, «Le décalogue, révélation de Dieu et chemin de bonheur?»

02. Roland Meynet, «Quale retorica nell’Epistola ai Galati? Il caso di Gal 4,12-20»

01. Roland Meynet, «Le psaume 145»