Rome, September 15-18, 2008 With the aim of being a privileged means of meeting and interacting with others involved in this work, the convention is intended above all for those who practice Biblical...
Jacek Oniszczuk, Incontri con il Risorto in Giovanni (Gv 20–21). Seconda edizione, RBSem 13, Peeters, Leuven 2018 (226 p.) Quarta di copertina Indice del libro Estratto del libro Peeters Publishers...
Roland Meynet, Le Psautier. Cinquième livre (Ps 107-150), RBSem 12, Peeters, Leuven 2017 (747 p.) Back Cover Table of content Peeters Publishers Classical commentaries study each psalm in isolation...
R. Meynet - J. Oniszczuk, Studi del quinto convegno RBS. International Studies on Biblical and Semitic Rhetoric, RBSem 11, Peeters, Leuven 2017 (360 p.). Quarta di copertina Indice del libro...
Michel Cuypers, Le Festin. Une lecture de la sourate Al-Mâ’ida. Deuxième édition revue et corrigée, RBSem 10, Peeters, Leuven 2017 (453 p.) Back Cover Table of Content Peeters Publishers The...
Roland Meynet, Les psaumes des montées, RBSem 9, Peeters, Leuven 2017 (202 p.) Peeters Publishers The psalter comprises several collections; most of them are distributed in several places. Psalms 120...
XVII° biennial Conference of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric Montreal, July 22-26, 2009 Innovative Perspective in the History of Rhetoric The RBS took part in the Conference of...
The Collection, called «Rhetorica Semitica»”, and printed by Convivium Press, Miami, (Florida) in co-edition with Gregorian & Biblical Press, publishes studies – in Spanish and English – that...
The RBS participated in a significant way in the XVI° Conference of the ISHR (International Society for the History of Rhetoric): – with a series of five communications: – with an...