First International Convention of the RBS

Rome, September 15-18, 2008

With the aim of being a privileged means of meeting and interacting with others involved in this work, the convention is intended above all for those who practice Biblical-Semitic rhetorical analysis (which must be differentiated from the application of classical Greek-Latin Rhetoric to the biblical texts).

The convention is open, however, to all those interested in this way of approaching the biblical text (and other Semitic texts, especially the Koran), for which the phenomena of composition constitute the entrance point to their meaning.

The first conference has been requested of Cardinal Vanhoye, pioneer in the field of biblical rhetorical analysis, above all with regard to the Letter to the Hebrews, and Honorary President of the RBS; other recognised scholars will intervene, although these interventions will not be confined to the strict application of rhetorical analysis

The definitive program

The proceedings of the first International Convention of the RBS