Roland Meynet, Il vangelo secondo Luca. Analisi retorica, seconda edizione, ReBib 7, EDB, Bologna 2003 (989 p.).

Table of ContentVangeloSecondoLuca2

Back Cover

Some plans of Luca

Composition of Luke (R. Meynet)

Sequence B4: Color Tables, 2008

Sequence C5 (15:1-17:10), color rewrites

Sequence C7 (18:31-19:46), color rewrites

Sequence D3, Color Tables (2011)

Sequence  D4, Color Tables (2011)

«Maundy Thursday: The Testament of Jesus (Luke 22:1-53).»

«Good Friday: Jesus’ trial (Lk 22, 54-23,25)»

«Good Friday 2: The Execution of Jesus (Lk 23,26-56»

«Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of Jesus (Lk 24,1-53»